11th February is the start of a new semester, so make sure that you are completely up to date with PPP!
"Where Am I Now?"
Identify 10 things that you have learned about yourself as an individual and a learner.
- You as a person, not a designer
- Be specific and explain what you identify
Identify 10 things that you have learned about yourself as a designer. These should reflect your own growing awareness of own interests within Graphic Design.
- Not just practising, but areas of interest, audiences, retail, etc
- Could be driven by something you don't like doing
All 20 statements need visual references to the industry and studios. Any images you find that you like needs info about the designers, studios and what it was used for etc to back up the image. For what you learned about yourself as an individual, you could use your own work to show what you need to improve on or what you're proud of.
Fill in the Interim Evaluation Form found on estudio.