OUGD402: Free Ad Task

by Roxxie Blackham on Friday, 22 February 2013

In a group of 3, design a free ad that will communicate the design practice of yourself and the others in your group. The design has to be non A format, but at an A3 scale. 50 words maximum and can be type, image, or type and image.

Grace Buckley

What is your professional name and contact details?
Grace Buckley

What words best describe your design practice?
handmade, idea driven, clean layout

What words best describe you as a person?
conscientious, organised, introverted, smiley, determined

What are your strongest design skills?
researching, drawings, mixed media

What areas of Graphic Design interest you?
print based, packaging, editorial

Who are your favourite designers/design studios?
Red Antler, Marion Bantjes, James Dawe, Aesthetic Apparatus, Alien Corset

What are your favourite design blogs?
CR blog, Alien Corset blog

What 5 things do you want to be?
successful, happy with what I do, confident in my own work

What 5 things do you think you need to do to be this?
work hard, get placements, research more blogs, visit more places

Research Into The Areas of Design That Grace Enjoys:

Sophie Abell

What is your professional name and contact details?
Sophie Abell

What words best describe your design practice?
precision, quality, creative

What words best describe you as a person?
hard working, committed, organised, professional, laid-back

What are your strongest design skills?
drawings, developing ideas, illustrator

What areas of Graphic Design interest you?
product and packaging, information and wayfinding

Who are your favourite designers/design studios?
Lovely Package, Inspire, Design Taxi

What are your favourite design blogs?
Design Taxi blog, Inspire Design blog, Lovely package blog, Debi Ward kennedy Design

What 5 things do you want to be?
creative (to create inspiring visuals), professional, to fulfil my potential

What 5 things do you think you need to do to be this?
finish uni, listen, research, learn

Research Into The Areas of Design That Sophie Enjoys:

Roxxie Blackham (me!)

What is your professional name and contact details?
Roxxie Blackham

What words best describe your design practice?
"hands-on", imaginative, experimental, clean

What words best describe you as a person?
friendly, committed, reliable, clever

What are your strongest design skills?
hand-rendering typography, coming up with ideas visually, keen attention to detail and alignment, knowledge of design software, leading and working in a team

What areas of Graphic Design interest you?
typography: both digital and hand-rendered (really interested in type design), experimentations within Graphic Design (for example use of different materials and processes), printing and screen-printing, alternative and different packaging ideas/outcomes, creative/strong concepts behind the designs

Who are your favourite designers/design studios?
Jessica Hische, Craig Ward, Teagen White, Alberto Seveso

What are your favourite design blogs?
Behance, Lovely Packaging, Design Seeds, Jessica Hische's website

What 5 things do you want to be?
typographer, successful designer, confident with myself when presenting work, original

What 5 things do you think you need to do to be this?
practice, experience, organise myself, research into more designers and studios

Research Into The Areas of Design That I Enjoy:


We were then asked to create free ads for each member of the group, using the information that we received through the series of questions and answers.

My Free Ads:

Grace Buckley

I decided to create something quite minimal for Grace, as the artists she liked seemed to work with quite a clean and minimal design practice. Grace also liked Marian Bantjes, who works with patterns, so I thought I'd go for a subtle pattern that reflects this. I chose quite a bold, yet clear font as I find Grace to have quite a bold and happy personality.

Sophie Abell

I remembered from working with Sophie before, that her favourite colour was orange, so this was my initial starting point. I also realised, from looking through her blog that she liked birds, so thought that some birds would work well on her free ad, especially if they're quite sketchy and illustrative. I chose a soft and girly font, as Sophie comes across quite feminine and sweet.

Roxxie Blackham (me)

Even though designing something for myself should be the easiest task, I found it difficult to produce something that reflected what I enjoy as well as creating something that was aesthetically pleasing to me. I was tempted to hand render my design, but decided to stick to the computer and use a bokeh effect in the background, as I have found myself quite interesting in this style of photography. I love shades of burgundy, hence the colour and I chose a art deco style font to reflect my love for Jessica Hische's typography.

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