I've emailed a few creatives that have inspired me to further my skill within sign painting.
Ashley Willerton
I came across Ashley's work on Behance, when I was looking for sign painting and lettering for inspiration. The reason why I contacted him, was simply because he's English and I have found hardly any Englishmen that are still interested in the craft! It seems to be a huge hit in America..
Lucy Sherston
Lucy's work intrigued me as she had an obvious design style and seemed to work with very particular colours. It was also interesting to find out that she's originally from near where I live at home AND recently graduated from Leeds College of Art!
We've exchanged quite a few emails from time to time..
David Smith
I've always had an interest in David Smith's work, as it is so traditional and so ornate! Even though our exchange of emails was more about the workshops that he holds (and he didn't really send a great reply), it was interesting to get a reply from him none the less!
His work also never fails to amaze me - it's all so intricate and detailed and precise!!
I also sent Dave an email about possibly helping out with his workshops over the summer, rather than paying to attend a workshop! I am yet to receive a reply, but am hoping that this would interest him, as I can imagine he gets very busy over the summer period!
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