OUGD402: What is Graphic Design? Part 2

by Roxxie Blackham on Wednesday, 17 October 2012

What is Graphic Design? What does it mean to you?

Graphic design is appropriate, creative, obsessive, frustrating, organised, structured, ongoing...

Although all Graphic Design is different, there are a basic set of questions that most successful designers ask themselves when creating work:
  • hand drawn and / or digital?
  • think about the language / dialogue
  • personal opinions of the designer
  • information and how you communicate it
  • think about the scale / space / format
  • think about your media, it doesn't just have to be print based
  • what can be created successfully in the time frame?
  • think about colour
  • think about structure / organisation
  • image and /or type? image as type /type as image?
After the class session, we discovered that there was a way to classify these into a further 5 categories that most successful designs fulfil:
  • Function
  • Design Context
  • Scale
  • Tone of Voice
  • Message

Then, in groups, we wrote down lists of what main traits of designs we considered to fall under these categories, IE;

Function: what is it doing? why does it exist?
to inform, decorate, instruct, promote, educate, warn, advertise, explain, entertain, inspire, express, present

Context: who is the target audience? what is it?
- branding, publishing, campaigning, advertising...
- time or era
- audience
- class
- gender
- style

Tone of Voice: how does it suit the target audience?
informal, playful, chatty, comical, powerful, inspirational, proud, simplistic, witty, serious, satirical, angry

Message/Ideas/Concept: what is it trying to say?
awareness, decorative, political

Intended Scale: what is its intended size? is it effectively applied?
billboard, poster, side of building, Ad shell, side of bus, magazine, TV, web

Using this list, here are some examples of design that fall under each category:


Function = To Inform

Function = To Decorate

Function = To Promote

Function = To Advertise


Context = Time/Era

Context = Gender

Content = Class


Tone of voice = Playful/silly

Tone of voice = formal/serious

Tone of voice = friendly


Concept = relates to company cleverly

Concept = witty/silly

Concept = working with negative space


Scale = large scale format - intended to work on interior spaces of buildings

Scale - small scale format, intended for smaller use in packaging

Scale = very large, intended to be seen from far away and to catch your eye

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