Vinyl Stickers
I went down to the print room and got loads of different sized versions of my logo cut out of vinyl to stick on lots of different collateral. I decided to use white vinyl as I felt like it worked with the light peppermint colours better than any other colour.
I decided that my laptop should be part of my branding as I take it everywhere with me and would be taking it along to interviews or when working with clients.
Letterhead & Envelope
Although I don't often send letters, I felt as thought designing a letterhead was a good idea as I might need to send letters to clients or studios in the future. I decided to keep the letterhead as simple as possible and then use a peppermint envelope to add more colour to it.
Sketchbooks / Notebooks
As I will be using sketchbooks and notebooks when working with clients or on self initiated briefs, I thought that I may as well pick some that suited my branding and put my logo on them to reinforce who I am.
I also have a really old shabby notebook that I always use that is a similar colour, so decided to stick my logo on this too as I will be taking it everywhere with me and always using it!
I decided to create some postcards, simply because I wanted to create something that shows off the design on my business card, but at a larger scale.
I am really happy with how my personal branding has come out this year! I am definitely much happier with it this year than 1st or 2nd year and I think that's because I'm finally starting to get a clear definition of who I am and who I want to become after uni. Took me 3 years, but I've finally got there!! The peppermint colour has been a favourite colour of mine throughout my time here so I don't know why I've never used it before, as I literally have so many things that are that colour which will make the overall branding so much more successful!
I think that the next step will be to get a phone case the same colour and apply my branding to that too, so that I have the full set!
I didn't create a creative CV this year, as I felt that my website showing off my portfolio of work is definitely more worth while, so instead I spent a lot of time making sure that I was proud of my website and logo. I think that if I find that I need a CV when I've graduated, I'll take some time out to sort this out, but as of yet I haven't found the need for one. This also goes for an invoice. I think that an invoice might be something that I need to consider in the future if I decide to go into freelance work, but at the moment I don't feel as though I need one, which is why I made the conscious decision not to design one for myself. Again, this is something that might change, so I should definitely consider designing an invoice in the future!
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